One element which was important for the team was a stronger focus on ground targets and how these affect the overall map.
Especially given the number of ground attack squadrons & Staffeln (Typhoons and A-20 for Allies and Fw-190 JABOs for LW), the set-up of the targets and the inflicted damage effects should reflect the importance of the task.
The team tried to implement (i) interesting layouts and content for ground targets and avoiding copy-paste ground positions, as often seen on multiplayer servers, (ii) implement fire & smoke effects when successfully attacked to provide direct feedback to the attacker and alert other pilots in the area and (iii) create destruction and damage effects which to a degree carry over from one mission to another.
This approach, while much more time consuming, allowed us to create interesting and meaningful taskings for the ground attackers, while integrating the activity of the pilots on the condition of the map. If a specific area was hit in one mission, or was damaged, fire and smoke should be reasonably observable in the subsequent mission.
The below example illustrates British forward positions and AT guns IVO Meijel (1617.2) from M10 “Every Which Way”. First picture shows the positions before any damage, the second image presents the position after a successful attack by 8 Fw-190s with 500kg and 4x70kg bombs. The last image presents the same position during the subsequent mission, M11 “Namiddag” which in campaign logic occurred only several hours later.
Here are some further examples to highlight the complexity and attention to detail used to create ground targets.
This is Joe’s Bridge, the crossing point for XXX Corps during the initial phase of Market Garden. Not used as a target but built just as eye candy!

A big thank you to all mission builders (Snowy, Paddy, Berethor) for spending the time and attention to detail to deliver such great ground targets.
These are just some of examples, there is much more to be revealed!